This service combines dermaplaning - which is a manual exfoliation of the outermost layer of the skin to stimulate cellular turnover + medical grade chemical peel to refine pores and reduce signs of photodamage. 

$175 for a single treatment

● Wash your face with a gentle, acid free cleanser and avoid topical products that contain AHA/BHA, retinols or Retin-A like products for 72 hours or longer. If irritation occurs after applying any of the above products, wait a few more days to allow your skin to heal. Under no circumstances should you use a product that abrades the skin within 72 hour period (scrubs), nor should you submerge the treated area in a chlorinated pool or hot tub for the next 3 to 5 days. 

● Avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of 3-5 days post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply SPF 30 or greater, reapply every 4 hours, wear a wide brimmed hat, and seek shade when possible. Be careful of sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily for at least 2 weeks. 

● Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e. strenuous exercise, steam rooms or saunas etc. 

● Avoid facial waxing for 7 days 

● Avoid the use of scrubs, polishers, or aggressive brushes for 7-14 days post treatment. 

● You may experience slight skin sensitivity for the first few days. For best results, Dermapeel treatments are recommended every 4 weeks. 

PRX t-33 Peel

This is an improved formula of TCA, that targets aging skin, skin laxity, texture, fine lines, and dull skin. This unique Biorevitaliser stimulates the skin's regenerative process without any exfoliation. There is little to no downtime, no peeling, and is non-photosensitizing 

$250 for a single treatment
$750 for a package of 3 treatments


● Apply WiQo facial moisturizing cream as needed to help with dryness. The amount should be a quarter size and be massaged into the skin until absorbed.

● Do not wash or face or apply any other skincare products for 24 hours post procedure. 

● Do not apply makeup for the remainder of the day.

DAY 2-6

● You may resume gentle products including cleanser, moisturizer and SPF. 

● Do not apply any exfoliators, acids or scrubs to the treated area. 

● You may apply makeup but ensure that you clean your brushes prior to application. 

Day 7 and Beyond

You may resume your regular skin care regimen 7 days after your last session. 

Possible Side Effects:

● Intense flaking can occur after the treatment on patients with a very thick stratum corneum and may last 2-3 days. Apply WiQo facial moisturizer several times a day. 

● Dryness may occur.

● Appearance of darker patches in the 2 days following application. These are thicker areas of skin drying up and will disappear through natural exfoliation in a few days. 





A method of manual exfoliation that consists of using a professional dermaplane blade to painlessly exfoliate the outermost layer of skin. This stimulates cellular turnover with little to no downtime. This is a great option for clients with sensitive skin or who are looking for a non-chemical exfoliation. This procedure includes a masque and post ZO Skin Health's product application.

$100 for a single treatment
*Member Pricing $80

● Wash your face with a gentle, acid free cleanser and avoid topical products that contain AHA/BHA, retinols or Retin-A like products for 72 hours or longer. If irritation occurs after applying any of the above products, wait a few more days to allow your skin to heal. Under no circumstances should you use a product that abrades the skin within 72 hour period (scrubs), nor should you submerge the treated area in a chlorinated pool or hot tub for the next 3 to 5 days. 

● Avoid sun exposure as much as possible for a minimum of 3-5 days post treatment. If you must be in the sun, apply SPF 30 or greater, reapply every 4 hours, wear a wide brimmed hat, and seek shade when possible. Be careful of sun exposure and wear sunscreen daily for at least 2 weeks. 

● Avoid excessive heat 3 days post treatment, i.e. strenuous exercise, steam rooms or saunas etc. 

● Avoid facial waxing for 7 days 

● Avoid the use of scrubs, polishers, or aggressive brushes for 7-14 days post treatment. 

● You may experience slight skin sensitivity for the first few days. For best results, Dermapeel treatments are recommended every 4 weeks. 


If you have any concerns following treatment, do not hesitate to contact us at (603) 380-7875. If this is outside of normal hours, please call/text (603) 534-2448 and we will get back to you in a timely manner. 

If you have any concerns following treatment, do not hesitate to contact us at (603) 380-7875. If this is outside of normal hours, please call/text (603) 534-2448 and we will get back to you in a timely manner. 

If you have any concerns following treatment, do not hesitate to contact us at (603) 380-7875. If this is outside of normal hours, please call/text (603) 534-2448 and we will get back to you in a timely manner. 

ZO Stimulator Peel


The ZO Stimulator Peel is the perfect “lunchtime” peel with no downtime. This peel is made up of a combination of lactic, citric and salicylic acid plus potent concentrations of other active ingredients to exfoliate the skin, while stimulating the growth of collagen and elastin. A highly effective treatment for the many signs of skin aging, this peel is ideal for treating Melasma, sun damage, fine lines, uneven texture, large pores, dull skin, and even acne! Suitable for any skin type or color.

$125 for a single treatment

● Redness and tightness may be present and last up to several hours or days after treatment. 

● Swelling may occur after treatment for 3-5 days. 

● Peeling may start 3-5 days after peel. Do no pick or scratch at the treated skin, this may cause scarring. Keep skin hydrated, moisturized and following provider's post product regimen. 

● Avoid strenuous exercise or sweating for 24 hours after treatment. 

● Avoid sun exposure if possible and use a minimum of SPF 30 daily and re-apply every 2 hours if outdoors and wear a hat. 

● Patient's post results may differ and post treatment recovery period. For best results, ZO Stimulator Peels are recommended every 4 weeks. 

If you have any concerns following treatment, do not hesitate to contact us at (603) 380-7875. If this is outside of normal hours, please call/text (603) 534-2448 and we will get back to you in a timely manner. 

If you have any concerns following treatment, do not hesitate to contact us at (603) 380-7875. If this is outside of normal hours, please call/text (603) 534-2448 and we will get back to you in a timely manner.